李峰, 熊启华. 微腔极化激元三十年:历史、现状与展望[J]. 物理, 2022, 51(7): 445-453. DOI: 10.7693/wl20220701
引用本文: 李峰, 熊启华. 微腔极化激元三十年:历史、现状与展望[J]. 物理, 2022, 51(7): 445-453. DOI: 10.7693/wl20220701
LI Feng, XIONG Qi-Hua. Thirty years of cavity polaritons:the past,present and future[J]. PHYSICS, 2022, 51(7): 445-453. DOI: 10.7693/wl20220701
Citation: LI Feng, XIONG Qi-Hua. Thirty years of cavity polaritons:the past,present and future[J]. PHYSICS, 2022, 51(7): 445-453. DOI: 10.7693/wl20220701


Thirty years of cavity polaritons:the past,present and future

  • 摘要: 微腔激子极化激元是激子和微腔光子形成的叠加态,是一种兼具光与物质双重属性的准粒子,在基础物理研究和未来光子芯片应用方面具有重要的价值。从1992年首次实验观测到微腔极化激元至今已有整整30年。文章回顾这30年来微腔激子极化激元领域的发展历史与重要成果,并对未来的研究方向做了展望。将重点介绍微腔激子极化激元的概念、形成过程及其玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚的原理,简述以此为基础的极化激元光流体、物态调控及量子效应。


    Abstract: Cavity exciton-polaritons are quasi-particles formed by the strong coupling between excitons and cavity photons in microcavities. They exhibit the dual nature of light and matter, and have significant promising applications in both fundamental physics and future photonic circuits. We review the historical development and important achievements of this field since the first experimental demonstration of cavity polaritons thirty years ago, followed by a survey of future research avenues. A detailed description of the basic concepts of exciton-polaritons and the polariton Bose—Einstein condensation is provided, as well as a brief introduction to the photonic fluid, state control and quantum effects of cavity polaritons.


