赖武彦. 自旋极化的电流——2007年度诺贝尔物理学奖评述[J]. 物理, 2007, 36(12): 897-903.
引用本文: 赖武彦. 自旋极化的电流——2007年度诺贝尔物理学奖评述[J]. 物理, 2007, 36(12): 897-903.
Spin-polarized currents——the 2007 Nobel prize in physics[J]. PHYSICS, 2007, 36(12): 897-903.
Citation: Spin-polarized currents——the 2007 Nobel prize in physics[J]. PHYSICS, 2007, 36(12): 897-903.


Spin-polarized currents——the 2007 Nobel prize in physics

  • 摘要: 2007年诺贝尔物理学奖授予法国物理学家阿尔贝·费尔(Albert Fert)和德国物理学家彼得·格伦贝格(Peter Grünberg),以表彰他们发现了巨磁电阻(giant magnetoresistance, GMR)效应.这是在铁磁和非磁薄膜交替组成的人工超晶格中观察到的.GMR现象起源于载流子自旋与材料磁性的相互作用.该效应的应用革新了硬盘中读取数据的技术,使硬盘技术在过去十年得到飞速发展;另一方面,GMR效应的发现是新的自旋电子学的开端.通过电子自旋的量子效应,人们可以期待更多的发现和创新技术.


    Abstract: The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Albert Fert (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France) and Peter Grünberg (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) for the discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR). This phenomenon is observed in artificial superlattice thin-film materials composed of alternate ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic layers. It is a quantum spin-dependent effect that arises from the interaction between the spin of the carrier and the magnetic properties of the material. The applications of GMR have revolutionized the techniques for retrieving data from hard disk drives, which have seen unprecedented advances over the past ten years. Moreover, the discovery in 1988 of the GMR effect heralded the beginning of the new field of spintronics. Still more discoveries and innovative technology related to the quantum effects of the electron spin may be expected.


