

Spin superconductors

  • 摘要: 文章综述了近几年来自旋超导领域的研究进展。自旋超导态是由电荷为零自旋非零的玻色子在低温下凝聚成的超流态。文章将介绍自旋超导态的类伦敦方程、类金兹堡—朗道方程及其BCS(Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)型哈密顿量。然后利用这些方程和理论,导出自旋超导体的一些有趣现象,如:零自旋阻现象、电迈斯纳效应和自旋流约瑟夫森效应。此外,作者也讨论了一些很可能是自旋超导体的候选体系,自旋超导体的应用前景,以及该子领域的发展前景展望。


    Abstract: We review the progress in studies of spin superconductors over the past few years. A spin superconductor is formed at low temperature by condensed bosons which are electrically neutral but have non-zero spin.We introduce the London-type equations, the Ginzburg-Landautype theory, and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type Hamiltonian, from which various interesting phenomena of spin superconductors are derived, such as zero spin resistance, the electric Meissner effect, and the spin-current Josephson effect. In addition, we examine some systems which may exhibit spin superconductivity, and discuss future possible developments and applications.


